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教学用书:《新标准英语》一起四年级上册 Reading for Pleasure: Hats and Monkeys
本故事是根据一个民间故事改编的故事。故事讲述一个卖帽子的小贩遇到一群猴子,然后小贩是如何通过急中生智顺利地拿回自己的帽子的故事。故事文本语言凝练,言简意赅。故事的词汇主要涉及形容词和动词短语。主要的语言结构包括:The man shake his fist. The monkeys shake their fists.等。
主要词汇:shake his fist, shake their fists,
stamp his foot, stamp their feet,
throw his hat on the ground, throw their hats on the ground
主要句型:The man is angry. He shakes his fist.
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